
Reasons That Leads To Failure Of Education In Society: A Focus Upon USA

Key Academic Publications

Present research proposal is prepared with a motive to gain deep insight about the reasons that certainly leads to a cause of breakdown of education in American society with the rise in time. In this context, different sort of academic articles and journals related to subject matter is reviewed with a motive to gain different set of ideas upon the same. Also, it supported in gaining different sort of viewpoint towards the research aim through which research can be progressed in a desired manner and hence effectual results can be attained through it. In this regard, there are few of the journals that certainly catered my attention and hence influenced me to conduct research over it. Brief descriptions of those scholarly contents are described below:


This particular study is focused upon identifying the symptoms that leads to crisis in education by evaluating the combination between education and society. This is being done by incorporating peripheral questions in order to determine the outcome of students and actual effectiveness of schools. Researcher in this context argued that main aim of education is to offer an idea to individuals about the working of world in an exact manner so that they able to gain insight from it and can able to rectify new ways through which world can be operate in more précised manner. Here world denotes the mechanism of society and other working that are being on going in the surroundings.

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From this study, it has been found that there endure an inappropriateness in the mental stability of students and teachers that gradually increasing the gaps between them. Also, there persists a difference in paradigm of thinking which altered the nature and goals of education. With this reason, education is gradually being failing and hence it is required to take appropriate steps in this context so that better results can be attained through it. This misunderstanding and confusion leads to crisis and therefore can be managed with two epistemic transpositions as proposed by researcher.

With the rise in time, it has been observed that liberal education gradually declines and it just confining to arcane fields in which individuals comes to share their concepts and practices. Also, it lacking sufficient amount of practical value which usually attracts theoreticians and practitioners in early days. One of the major reasons behind this situation can be changes that arise in political and societal settings. It has been quarreled by researcher that many of the political and societal decision given rise to issues of sexism, racism and classism which gradually emerged to a scenario in which education gets decline among smaller group and has been possessed by power groups only. This is another prominent reason for failure of education in society and also it argued for conducting regular liberal art programs. In this context, it is required that majority of education level programs requires to incorporate into inspection of results that obtained from conducting it so that it can be continue in a required manner and also leads to good vocational programs. Further, it is required to release the confined area of education so that each set of class, race and sex can able to endure it and hence attain fruitful results out of it. This certainly supports in attaining lifelong learning especially for mature adults who possess a desire to explore meaning for betterment of society and humanity at a large.

In the modern era, there are various development within the vocational education and one such development is National Vocational Qualification (NVQ's) that operates in England and Wales as mentioned by researcher in this context. However, this body faces certain amount of criticism by society in their early days because it possess a narrow scope and also employers seeks that it is unenthusiastic in nature which gradually caters less individuals in taking up new qualification in this regard. With this, induction of NVQ's got worse rather to alleviate. When diagnosed this situation with the help of interview that conducted from key informants, it has been found that initial failure of this education system are there planners that determined the presence of institutional constraints and also seek the imperativeness of political bodies in managing youth employment with the geographical boundaries of the country. Further, it has also been found that there is low accountability and mentoring at the time of policy implementation from governing bodies which also leads to failure of this education in society. Beside this, there was newly formulated ethos of volunteerism in labor market of UK and poorness of employer's depicting structure which also acted as a reasons for failure.

This particular research aims to identify the key reasons that lead to a situation of low academic achievement in Roma's children. This is due to dividing of special schools that are primarily reserved for mentally challenged children. With this study, needs for education is assessed and also school readiness is examined so that education failure in society can be managed. Also, this aimed to track the reasons which lead to widespread failure of Roma's children in test. With this, it has been identified that there are generalized abilities of children at Roma which is destructing with little influence over the decision about sending them to school. Further, there is no proper documentation in Hungary and this is also a reason of failure of education.

In present time, there are different set of innovations and development within the educational field of China in order to meet out with the changing trends and also to develop a wealthier population. It has been marked by researcher that there are various failure of education in past that makes an impact over their society. With this failure, country determine to make necessary changes in their educational settings to develop themselves from labor inclined economy into a powered economy that involves high amount of innovation and knowledge in their economy. For this, concerned authority employed series of steps so that innovation and advancements can be attained in education sector of China. However, by reviewing the literature it has been found that there are two prominent reasons for failure and these are contradictions and egocentrism. Major finding of this study is that government with their advanced and innovative policy can able to reframe their educational sector in an effective manner and hence can able to attain advancements in their educational system. This gradually supported china in getting rid of backwardness and hence they are in the run of emerging as a next super power of the world.


This particular section is developed with a motive to gain ideas through existing literature about failure of education in society with special references to United States of America. This gradually supported in developing a sound base by reviewing different model and theories so that proposed research can be addressed in an effectual manner. In this context, different set of theoretical part are compiled with the help of existing materials over the subject matter.

Education in American Society

America being a world power possessed one of the effective education systems that helped them in attaining the position that are being owned by them now. This supported in developing own unique image throughout the globe and also emerged as a country that possess high literacy rate. With this scenario, they able to attract large set of corporate house which gradually developed its economy more strengthen. Also, there opened various universities which is one of the prominent in the world now and with this scenario, they able to attract large set of students on their side from every region of the world (Escarpio, 2008). However, in recent times, educational system of America gradually decline and resulting as failure. This is the scenario due to change in culture and approach at America which certainly deviated its quality learning and leads to failure in no time. It has been marked in the report of Foreign Affairs that few of the prominent cause beside this failure are the change of culture of viewing education as a service to a business making organizations. In this context, many of the players started offering lucrative offers and packages for private coaching (Sadler and Erasmus, 2005). With these changes, culture of traditional schools gets emerged into private learners and hence this affected the overall outcome in this regard. With this scenario, students are not able to get actual scenario for education and hence it certainly lead to failure (Zakaria, 2014). Further, it leads to closing down of many schools in America that signifies the situation of educational failure at great extent. Beside this, private coaching lacks in offering professional learning to individuals and this is another factors that played a crucial role in the failure education. Considering this scenario, there incorporated different set of strategies by government so that better and effectual results can be attained in this context. These are "No Child Left Behind" which is a law that emphasis on putting every child to attain professional degree in a combination of different field or in either of the field so that education system can be rectified in a desired manner and better results can be attained through it (Green, 2007). Moreover, another step is "Race to the Top" in which Obama administration taken initiative to incentivize the changes by delivering competitive grants. This aided in enhancing the literacy rate and also supported in attaining fruitful results out of it (Firestone, 2013). This signifies that there exist a education failure in USA and steps are incorporated for the same but effectual results are yet to come in this context (Mehta, 2013).

Reasons for failure of Educational Level

Education is one of the basic necessities for any country and it is required to manage the same so that continues development of society can be attained. However, there are various reasons that may lead to failure of this system in case if appropriate steps are not taken into account in this context. Under this, one of the major reasons is shifting of culture from traditional and vocational schools to open schools. With this, interest of students gets hampered and they not able to gain learning in a précised manner as they were supposed to. Also, shifting of motive from noble cause to profit making organization can be a reason for failure and therefore it is required to regulate the same with centralized bodies (Jackling and, 2007). However, it can be argued that profit making educational institute became more focused towards quality education as they want to retain in market for longer and also to enhance their brand image over a period of time. In addition to it, political influence can be other reasons that can fail prevailing education system. This is so because; political power can give rise to racism, sexism and classism. With this, education can be a puppet a power group and hence can leads to high amount of difference in the society (Dubois and Trabelsi, 2007). Also, political agenda can dilute educational setting and can give more preferences to other activities than that of this. With this, low development can attain in education fields from which poor results can be attained in this context. In addition to it, by incorporating uniform education policy in country can be another reason for failure. With this, one set of group gets high amount of advancements in education whereas another get depleted in this context and with this scenario, failure of education may results with it (Bakar and, 2003).

Role of Government in managing Educational level

Government being an apex body can play a significant role in boosting the educational level and also aids in gaining better results from this. In this context, they can formulate sound policies so that development can attain in this field and hence chances of failure can be neglected. For this, they can take decision in getting rid of issues of racism and classism so that equal opportunities can be offered to each set of individuals (Gouws and Wolmarans, 2002). Moreover, they can employ strategies of reservation and quota system so that individual that belongs to backward area can attain the opportunity in gaining education. With this, development in every aspect of society can be done and hence standard of living can be increased. Further, this aids in getting rid of unemployment and poverty in much effective manner and hence overall development can be attained (Escarpio, 2008). Beside this, regulatory bodies can be defined that looks after operations of educational institution in order to ensure that quality learning can be offered to individuals and also overall level of schooling can be enhanced. Further, investment can be made so that high amount of infrastructure development can be obtained which will gradually leads to low chances of failure and also supports in meeting out with set objectives in this regard (Sadler and Erasmus, 2005). Formulating laws is another set of government intervention that certainly helps in attaining better results in this regard and also aids in boosting educational level within the geographical boundaries of country. This also aids in reducing failure of education within society and boost the moral values (Mehta, 2013). Hence, these are few of the government intervention that can be taken into account for the purpose of reducing educational failure.

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Original Contribution

Present research possesses an aim "to identify the reasons that leads to failure of education in society with focus to United States of America." This is the topic inn which not much of research has been performed and therefore it is taken into account so that learning can be attained in this context. In order to reach out to this topic, different set of articles and journals have evaluated and this eventually aids in progressing with this research by framing suitable objectives in this context. These objectives are as follows:

  • To assess the educational level in American society.
  • To identify the reasons behind declining of educational level within American region.
  • To evaluate the government intervention those are taken into account for managing the educational level.


  • Escarpio, R., 2008. Foundations of Special Education Leadership Administration, Assessment, Placement, and the Law. Journal of Educational Administration.
  • Gouws, G. D. and Wolmarans, P. H., 2002. Quality cost in tertiary education: Making internal failure cost visible. Meditari Accountancy Research.
  • Green, J. T., 2007. Quality costs in education. The TQM Magazine.
  • Jackling, B. and, 2007. Professional accounting bodies' perceptions of ethical issues, causes of ethical failure and ethics education. Managerial Auditing Journal.
  • Lewis, G. W., Pun, F. K. and Lalla, M. T., 2004. A Generative Research Methodology for Implementing TQM in Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises. Asian Journal on Quality.
  • Lodico, G. M., Spaulding, T. D. and Voegtle, H. K., 2010. Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Punch, F. K., 2009. Introduction to Research Methods in Education. SAGE.
  • Sadler, E. and Erasmus, L. B.,. 2005. The academic success and failure of black chartered accounting graduates in South Africa: A distance education perspective. Meditari Accountancy Research.
  • Scruggs, E. T. And Masotropieri, A. M., 2006. Applications of Research Methodology. Emerald Group Publishing.
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